Scaling-up the Inclusive Growth Agenda in the Arab Region

… 1. The Region Needs Inclusive Growth Now More Than Ever 

Since our last conference in Amman in 2014, countries in the region have placed job creation and inclusive growth at the heart of their reform agendas. There has been progress – though not enough.

Many are clearly struggling with “how” to scale up reform implementation, and turn these priorities into outcomes. How can we fulfill the aspirations of the region’s youth, restore hope in the future, and increase trust among its people?

More than 27 million young people in the region will join the workforce over the next five years, a region where youth unemployment is the highest in the world, averaging 25 percent.

More than 60 percent of citizens perceive that connections – or wasta – determine whether or not you find a job.[2]

Footnote: [2] Arab Barometer Survey 2017.


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