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Mark Tessler Symposium

Join us for a research symposium honoring the career of Mark Tessler Presentations by: Michael D. Robbins, Project Director & Co-Principal Investigator, Arab Barometer, Princeton University Amaney Jamal, Dean, Princeton School for Public and International Affairs, Edwards S. Sanford Professor of Politics, Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University Diana Greenwald, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, City College…

Youth Outlooks: Life Quality and Economic Conditions (Press Release)

In this two-part Arab Pulse blog series, Arab Barometer’s research specialist, Maitha Alsuwaidi, explores MENA youth’s outlook on their quality of life and economic conditions.  Here are nine key findings from the two-part blog series: MENA Youth’s (ages 18-29) perceptions on quality of life and their countries’ economies are not different from the perceptions of older age groups. When it…

Confounding and confirming expectations on the “care economy” in MENA

Press Release Key findings from Salma Al-Shami and Maitha AlSuwaidi‘s new blog: -Arab Barometer findings from 12 countries surveyed in the seventh wave (2021-2022) partially confound expectations on unpaid care work in the region. The latest findings disrupt patriarchal preconceptions with respect to sharing childcare responsibilities but reinforce them when it comes to insisting that budgeting and spending are the…