Maghreb Matters: Report on the role of religion in Algeria…

…… Yet this is slowly changing. Younger Algerians are more educated, more urbanized, more connected both internally and externally through digital technologies, more demanding of opportunities, and more determined to be less acquiescent than the older generations in challenging government policies.

The report does a good job of enumerating the various means for encouraging the current regime to realize that more stability and security depends to a large part on meaningful and effective political actions. This is a large ask since when asked  to rank politicians’ honesty on a seven-point scale, 28% of the 1,200 respondents in a recent Arab Barometer poll gave politicians the lowest rating of one, and 25% gave them a rating of two. Similarly, political parties and parliament are the least trusted political institutions: only 14% of respondents trusted parties, while 17% trusted the parliament.

As the report concluded, “One way or another, the country’s leaders need to allow for some measure of generational renewal. Unless younger generations are given the means to participate in political life and engage in advocacy, and unless the government listens to their concerns, dissatisfaction may mount and could undermine national stability.”

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